Showing 5 Result(s)

Visual Design: KitKat Redesign

The Inspiration Hershey’s KitKat website contains recipes, general information about the candy and the ability to purchase KitKats of various flavors. I was inspired to take the classic candy bar and transform it’s landing page from a classic bright red color scheme to something soft and playful. The Goal Redesign the KitKat’s site in a …

Visual Design: Juice Brand

The Inspiration Lemonadelaide is fictional brand of juices. They emphasize their use of natural ingredients and their bottles can be found tagged photos of picnics all over social media. Lemonadelaide needs a site that encourages customers to buy juices and tell the story of the brand. The Goal Design a landing page to advertise and …

Visual Design: Fenwick Books Redesign

The Inspiration Fenwick Books is a local used bookstore in downtown Leonardtown, MD. Their website has information on how donations work and what special activities are held in the store. This site has instructions covering the same topics in various places throughout the site and has a styling different from the physical interior of the …

Visual Design: Time Entry

The Inspiration At the end of each work day I enter my time sheet data online. In this process I have to navigate through menus, pages, and fields that aren’t relevant to my particular user journey. I wanted to design a time sheet which only include data relevant to the end user and minimize overall …
